前作から約3年ぶりとなる通算4作目。いままでも幅広い音楽性を内包していたが、今回はそれをさらに前へ押し出し、パンクにまでもアプローチしたサウンド上で、喜怒哀楽さまざまな感情とハードな現状を鋭く描いたストレートなリリックが乱れ飛ぶ。バンド・スタイルの文字通りカオスなロッキン・チューンに臨んだ“CHAOS”や、"E"qual AK-69らレーベルメイトとの共演曲も備えた、聴き応え十分すぎる内容。

[English Translation]
Approximately 3 years since the previous release, the 4th full-length album from Fukuoka/Kyushu dominant street rapper ZANG HAOZI has been released. Noted for the enwrapped vast musical versatility in the past works, the latest explores that stronger than before, with randomly sprinkled straight lyrics intensely depicting joy, anger, misery, fun or such various emotions and tough realities that we face, on a nicely boosted sound even approaching the punk territory. Equipped with striking pieces such as the literally chaotic rockin’tune played in a band format, "CHAOS" or collaborations with label mates "E"qual and AK-69 (both hip-hop musicians), the whole package is fantastically solid and impressive no doubt.