BiS組の活躍が目立つなか、ファーストサマーウイカヒラノノゾミが在籍するこの4人組もついにアルバム・デビュー! 笑っちゃうほどプラスチックスなリード曲“anarchy in the music scene”やエレクトロクラッシュの狂騒が思い出される電化ロックンロールなど、あえていなたさを残したような楽曲の数々は、一周回ってアリな感じ。プロデュースはNIGO®渡辺淳之介で、マスタリングは砂原良徳と後ろ盾も万全!

[English Translation]
Following notable post-band activities by the other former mates of BiS (commonly known as the distinguished 'alternative' idol group), the 4-piece unit BILLIE IDLE® including First Summer Uika and Nozomi Hirano, has finally released their debut album. Featuring the (probably) intentional, somewhat unpolished tunes like almost laughter-incitingly Plastics (influential techno pop group prominent in the late 70s to early 80s)-ish lead track "anarchy in the music scene" or electro clash craze-inspired electrified rock'n'roll tunes, the first full-length release works great in a sort of a back-to-basics sense. To be noted also are the mighty backers (co-produced by creative director NIGO® known for the brand, A BATHING APE + former BiS Manager Junnosuke Watanabe, and mastered by Yoshinori Sunahara/formerly of Denki Groove) who affirms the stability, sure enough.