甘やかな歌声でラヴァーズ・ロック/レゲエを響かせる女性シンガーが、初フル・アルバムを完成。数多くのライヴで培った10年以上のキャリアを持つ彼女の全貌が、いよいよあきらかに。ゆるゆると漂うような歌声はまるで夢のようで、心地良く身体を揺らせてくれる。脇を固めるのもcro-magnonやLITTLE TEMPOのメンバーら実績ある布陣。初夏の夜に最適な、とろりと蕩けるメロウな気分に酔わせてくれる一枚。
[English Translation]
Crooning lovers rock/reggae in a sweet voice, the notable female singer asuka ando's awaited 1st full-length album finally reveals all her true self proving over 10 years of numerous live appearances. With experienced supporting members from various units including the renowned jam trio cro-magnon, and superb dub band LITTLE TEMPO, her floatingly dreamy vocals pleasantly makes your body sway. Best for early summer nights, this intoxicating piece lets our mind mellowly drift away.