メンバー全員がモデルや女優として活躍するスターダストプロモーション所属のガールズ・バンドが、タワレコ限定のミニ・アルバムでデビュー! 〈ファッション+音楽〉というコンセプト通り、キレイになりたい女の子の気持ちを後押しするようなアップを中心に、活発で気品の漂う楽曲が揃っています。唯一のスロウ“きずな坂”は、結成からの〈530日〉を一緒に歩んできた彼女たち自身を歌った、背筋がスッと伸びるような名品!


[English Translation]
Le Lien  "530 Nichi (meaning 530 Days)”

Le Lien is an all-female band composed of models and actresses belonging to Stardust Promotion (a leading talent agency with dominant share of famous actresses) and they have finally released their debut mini-album, exclusively from Tower Records! As the concept 'Fusion of Fashion and Music' suggests, the album contains invigorating and elegant tracks centering on up-tempo tunes waving pompoms for girls who want to become more charming. The only slow-tempo tune "Kizuna-zaka (meaning Fellowship Hill)" is a good song about themselves who have spent '530 days' together since the band was formed, which is bound to make you brace up!