BudaMunkとのコラボや、彼と手掛けた仙人掌のリミックス盤などで知られるNasty Ill Brother S.U.G.IことILL-SUGIの入手困難なアナログ作品が、CDでお目見えに。シンプルなループに根を張る生一本の作風がBudaMunkに通ずる一方、音使いはことごとくメロウ。甘美な鍵盤のフレーズがビートの隙間に溶けていきそうな“Room”、スウィートな曲想をせわしない鳴り物で掻き乱す“Ruffin”はさながら弧を描くかのような筆捌き。
[English Translation]
Nasty Ill Brother S.U.G.I a.k.a. ILL-SUGI is known for collaborations with BudaMunk, the hip hop producer, such as the remix disk of Saboten, a hip hop MC. His hard-to-find vinyl pieces are now out in CD. While his raw-spirited style of spreading roots on a simple loop is similar to BudaMunk, the sounds he uses are completely mellow. Luscious phrases by keyboards in "Room" would melt you in the gap between the beats and the sweet motif of his music is ruffled by restless instruments in "Ruffin" as if skillfully drawing a perfect arc.