2人体制に戻って届けられたこの4作目は、先行シングル“プロ・デューサー”に続いて進行方向別通行区分田中がプロデュース。元eastern youth二宮友和ZAZEN BOYS吉兼聡らが演奏で参加しており、セバドーを思わせるローファイ・ポップがあったりと、サウンド的にはオルタナ色が強まった印象だ。とはいえ、〈意味〉から解放されたような歌詞と無垢な歌声が織り成す不思議な可愛らしさは健在なのでご安心を!

[English Translation]

TARTETATIN's fourth album, released after it returned to the original duo, was produced by Tanaka of Japanese band Shinko Hoko Betsu Tsuko Kubun as with the lead single "Pro Ducer." Featuring guest players such as Tomokazu Ninomiya, former bassist of the Japanese rock band eastern youth, and So Yoshikane, the guitarist of Japanese rock band ZAZEN BOYS, the album seems to be more alternative rock-oriented than their previous albums, as suggested in the American indie rock band Sebadoh-inspired low-fi pop tune. But not to worry, their quirky cuteness brought by the lyrics liberated from 'meanings' and their innocent singing voice are intact!