ソロにKOJOEとの第2弾コラボにとEPが続いた彼によるBLACK SMOKERからの新作は、インスト中心ながらそのKOJOEや5lackFREEZの参加曲を含むフル・アルバム。遊び心のあるリズムセンスをさまざまな音に託すトラック制作術は声ネタも素材にしたインストでより自由だが、K-BOMBOMSBがマイクを繋ぐ“CATCHTHERHYTHUM&W33D”は、シンプルなトラック選びが主なラップ曲のなかで異質な濃密さが際立つ。

[English Translation]

OLIVE OIL's new release from BLACK SMOKER RECORDS following his solo EP and the 2nd collaboration EP with Japanese rapper KOJOE, is a full album that mainly consists of instrumental tracks but also includes songs featuring KOJOE, 5lack and FREEZ. His refined beatmaking prowess incorporating playful rhythms into diversified sounds is showcased in a more liberated manner on the instrumental tracks that use even voice sounds as compositional source material. "CATCHTHERHYTHUM&W33D" in which K-BOMB and OMSB pass the mic stands out with its dense texture, a rarity for rap songs for which simple tracks are chosen in many cases.


【参考動画】KOJOEとOLIVE OILによる2015年のEP『HH』収録曲"fiXX"