紅白〉5年連続出場の貫禄を感じさせる通算10作目。先行曲“Vitalization”をはじめとするElements Garden製の絶唱系ハード・チューンは言わずもがな、h-wonderがポップな小技を効かせた分厚いブラス・ファンク“Fun Fun★People”から宇宙的スケールの歌声が広がるバラード“愛の星 -two hearts-”まで、濃い口のサウンドをたっぷりと届けてくれる。なかでもスウィンギーな艶歌“哀愁トワイライト”が色っぽすぎて濡れる!


[English Translation]

10th release in her career from voice actress and singer, Nana Mizuki, who proudly marked her 5th consecutive appearance at the Japanese New Year's Eve annual (and invitation-only, thus honorable) 'Kohaku' music show. Needless to mention the hard-tune shouting-out songs produced by music creators' team, Elements Garden such as the advance released song, "Vitalization", much of the songs are strong-tasting, including thick brass-funk tune "Fun Fun★People", where producer/composer/singer, h-wonder happily weaves in his smart pop tricks, or ballad "Ai no Hoshi -two hearts-" in which cosmic scale singing flows and spreads freely. Among others, the swingy and seductive "Aishu Twilight" is just so agonizingly sexy; it will easily make you squirm with delight.