“Put Your Hands Up For Detroit”に“Let Me Think About It”という2つの特大ヒットを持つオランダのイケメンが、7年ぶりにアルバムを発表。前作リリース後、その名は目にするもパッとしない不毛の時期もあったが、ディミトリ・ヴェガス&ライク・マイクとのコラボ曲や自身のラジオ・ショウ〈Darklight Sessions〉など、もともと携えていたエレクトロ・ハウスの素養を見事に現行シーンへ合致させて新たな活躍の場を切り拓いただけに、堂々の帰還と言えるだろう。多数のヴォーカリストを招いた本作は、キラキラしたシンセとデニー・ホワイトの溌剌とした歌唱をフィーチャーしたポップな“Cinematic”、トロピカルな味付けをした“Beauty From The Ashes”と“Immortal”、ファンキーなエレクトロ・ハウス“Give Me Some”など、今風の控えめなアレンジに好感を覚えるハウス・アルバム。おもしろいところでは、ユーロビートの超有名曲であるコロナ“Rhythm Of The Night”のカヴァーという飛び道具を仕込むセンスも最高だ。
[English Translation]
The good-looking Dutch guy, who has two monster hits with "Put Your Hands Up For Detroit" and "Let Me Think About It," has just released his first album in 7 years. After the release of his last album, there had been times we saw his name mentioned but he spent some barren years away from the limelight. However, he successfully developed a new musical platform for his career through the collaboration with Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike or his radio show [Darklight Sessions] by adapting his accumulated expertise in electro house to the current music scene, arguably having made an impressive comeback to the spotlight. Welcoming a number of guest vocalists, this house album plays favorably with the trendy low-key arrangement, as in pop "Cinematic" featuring shining synth sounds and Denny White's crisp vocal, tropical-flavored "Beauty From The Ashes" and "Immortal" as well as funky electro house "Give Me Some." The cover of very well-known Eurobeat song "Rhythm Of The Night" by Corona comes as an interesting surprise that showcases his superb musical sense.
Darklight/Be Yourself