長きに渡るキャリアを経て、ついにソロとしてのフル作を発表。名義はKjではなく本名ということもあり、90sエモの息吹を感じる“Angel Falls”などラウド寄りなものがありつつも、キーボードをタイプする音がサンプリングされた表題曲やワルツのリズムにアコギが絡む“Good Shepherd”など、ライヴハウスの熱狂や興奮とダイレクトにリンクし、リスナーを焚き付けるDragon Ashとは異なったサウンドが印象的だ。また、“One Voice”のリリックに綴られた〈大事な事〉を見るに、やはりこの人は常に戦い続けていて、アウトプットは違えど、その芯は決して変わっていないことを思い知らされる。そんな本作は、全楽器をひとりで録音。さまざまな面において〈音楽家〉としての顔をさらした彼がここにいる。
[English Translation]
Kenji Furuya "Everything Becomes The Music”
Following his long career, Kenji Furuya has finally released his first full solo album. Using his birth name instead of Kj, and including songs which lean towards loud music like “Angel Falls”, a song that also has a 90’s emo vibe, the title song incorporating sample sounds of typing key-boards, or the use of waltz rhythm integrated with acoustic guitar on “Good Shepherd”, all the songs showcase a different aspect compared to his rap rock group, Dragon Ash, known for their hot and intense live performance that connects and drives their listener wild. Listening to the lyrics on “One Voice,” where Kenji writes “the most important thing,” it’s crystal clear that he is a genuine and a constant fighter however the output may vary. Kenji has the kind of spirit that will never change. On this album, all the instruments were played and recorded by the artist himself. On every angle, Kenji has revealed himself as a “musician.”