これはいい! quasimodeのドラマーが完成した初ソロ作は、田村和大(ピアノ)と同僚の須長和広(ベース)によるトリオ録音と、BMSOでの相棒BLAHMUZIK(サンプラー)とのセッション音源が同居する意欲作に。特に往時の音楽へのオマージュ“1993 Misawa Air Base”やナズファンキーDLのメドレーには、そもそもヒップホップ経由でジャズに辿り着いたという彼ならではのグルーヴがある。グラスパースペイヴン好きもぜひ。

[English Translation]

Sohnosuke Imaizumi  "Rin"

Simply perfect! Amicably enfolding a piano trio recording (with jazz pianist Kazuhiro Tamura and quasimode mate Kazuhiro Sunaga/bass) and a session material (with his BMSO partner, the sampling artist BLAHMUZIK), the drummer of the Tokyo-based four-piece jazz unit, quasimode,  Sohnosuke Imaizumi’s 1st solo turns out to be an album with an ambitious approach. Among the 14 tunes, the homage to his musical roots “1993 Misawa Air Base” or the Nas~FUNKY DL medley, clearly trace his path that leads from hip-hop first, then on to jazz, which fully renders this particular groove of his own. If you like (Robert) Glasper and/or (Richard) Spaven, this definitely is a one for you.