Kazuki(ギター)の脳出血という危機を乗り越え、メジャー移籍後初となるフル・アルバムは、プロデューサーにジョシュ・ウィルバーを起用。雄々しいシンガロングが響き渡る“Raise Your Voice”や、グルーヴィーなリフが迫りくる“Dystopia”といったアグレッシヴな楽曲はもちろん、昨年の『MADNESS』で提示したクリーン・ヴォーカルを昇華して挑んだバラード“Tears Fall”など、実にヴァラエティー豊かな仕上がりに。また、“Ghost In The Mirror”にはベアトゥースのカレブ・ショモを、EDM要素を強めに押し出した“Wildfire”ではスキンドレッドのベンジー・ウェッブをゲスト・ヴォーカリストに招聘。すべてがビルドアップされて、とにかくドラマティック。全世界同時で放たれる最強の衝撃に震えろ。
[English Translation]
Having overcome the crisis of the guitarist Kazuki's brain hemorrhage, Osaka-based metalcore band Crossfaith released the first full album after transferring to the major label, with Josh Wilber drafted in as producer. The album offers a wide variety of songs, from their signature aggressive tracks like "Raise Your Voice" with a resounding valiant sing-along or "Dystopia" with surging groovy riffs to the ballad "Tears Fall" featuring his sublimated clean vocal, which was presented in the single "MADNESS" last year. In addition, the band has Caleb Shomo of American metalcore band Beartooth as guest vocal on "Ghost In The Mirror" and Benji Webbe of Welsh rock band Skindred on the heavily EDM-influenced "Wildfire." All the tracks are well built up and really dramatic. Be thrilled by the strongest impact released simultaneously all over the world.