[English Translation]
Open Reel Ensemble "Vocal Code"
The artistic orchestra who came into the spotlight for their performance using the open-reel recorder has created a new album welcoming various vocalists, with [voice] as the theme. Including an homage track to The Folk Crusaders (Japanese pop music group from the 60s) using modulated vocals, a synth pop tune featuring Tavito Nanao (singer song-writer) and a dance track using the vocoder, this album nicely brings together the sounds created with experimental approaches in a pop manner. The way in which they apply humor to their work that makes it feels like a production of YEN Records is also nice.
Open Reel Ensemble、七尾旅人ら多彩なヴォーカリスト迎え〈声〉をテーマに実験的サウンドをポップにまとめた新作