『#nofilter』(2014年)のヒット以降はDJ RYOWやJAZEE MINOR、下拓らの楽曲に個々が参加し、塩ノ谷早耶香とのコラボも印象深かったCREAM。この3作目ではT'Z BEATZことStaxx T制作のトラックが存在感を増す一方、GIORGIO 13やSUNNY BOY、縄田寿志といった敏腕の助力も得て、内と外から鮮やかな変化を手繰り寄せている。すでに話題の“54321”などR&Bチューンでは伸びやかで切ないMinamiの歌唱が堪能できるし、懐を深くしたダンス・トラックにはトロピカルハウスもクリーミーに配合。TeddyLoidの凶暴なビートにJESSE(RIZE)を招いた“HANPANAI”などStaxxのラップ主導曲も痛快で、〈New J-Pop〉を掲げる彼らならではの圧倒的なポピュラリティーと楽しさに溢れた(3枚目の)快作!
[English Translation]
CREAM is a Japanese hip hop unit consisting of singer-songwriter Minami and rapper/beatmaker Staxx T. After the last album "#nofilter" (2014) became a hit, the duo respectively made guest appearances on the works of other artists such as DJ RYOW (Japanese DJ/producer), JAZEE MINOR (Japanese male rapper) and Shimotaku (Japanese DJ /producer), as well as took part together in an impressive collaboration with Sayaka Shionoya (Japanese female singer). On this third album, while the tracks by T'Z BEATZ, a.k.a. Staxx T, raise their profile, the duo also receives help of great artists including GIORGIO 13 (Japanese MC/producer), SUNNY BOY (Japanese producer/songwriter), and Hisashi Nawata (producer/songwriter/DJ), altogether contributing to bringing about a vibrant change to their music from both inside and out. R&B tunes like the already much talked-about "54321" bring out Minami's beautiful mellow singing while the dance tracks with deep grooves are blended with tropical house in a ‘creamy’ way. Also containing Staxx's delightful rap-driven songs like "HANPANAI" featuring JESSE (of Japanese rock band RIZE) that are laid on TeddyLoid's aggressive beats, this (3rd) masterpiece demonstrates the overwhelming popularity and charm of the group that sets forth the concept of 'New J-Pop'!
CREAM、〈New J-Pop〉掲げる彼らならではのポピュラリティーと楽しさに溢れた快作はTeddyLoidやGIORGIO 13ら敏腕が助力
rhythm zone