UKの名門、トゥルー・ソーツ初の日本人アーティストとして注目されたデビューから約5年ぶりとなる2作目。本作では繊細かつメロディックな持ち味はそのままに、70年代のアフリカ音楽をサンプリングすることで新たな息吹を吹き込み、よりオーガニックでダイナミックなグルーヴを纏うことに成功。アルバムとしての出来は申し分ないが、磨きがかかったMPC捌きが目に浮かぶ“Last Feast”などはぜひライヴで体感したい。
[English Translation]
After about 5 years from the sensational debut as the very first Japanese artist on the prestigious Tru Thoughts label in UK, and globally recognized for his unique works and presence, Anchorsong (aka Masaaki Yoshida) here unveils his anticipated 2nd album. Keeping his original sensitive and melodic elements intact, but refreshingly incorporating samplings of African music from the 70s this time, the latest carries a further organic and dynamic groove all over. As a piece of recording as an album, there is nothing left to desire, but as for stunning MPC-geared tunes like “Last Feast”, it’s highly suggested to see and hear them live, definitely.
Tru Thoughts/BEAT