本人名義では実に8年ぶり! 日本が世界に誇るテクノ番長のオリジナル・アルバムが、ドイツの名門レーベルより登場。酩酊すら覚える揺らめくダブ処理を施したディープ・ミニマルを軸に、研ぎ澄まされたビートがしなやかに熱を帯びていく展開には、もはや気品すら感じる。ループする呪術的なヴォイス・サンプルにズブズブとハメられる“Munique Uncertain”など、静かに燃え広がるテクノ魂に圧倒される孤高の傑作。

[English Translation]

His first solo work, indeed, in 8 years! The world-renowned Japanese techno honcho Fumiya Tanaka’s awaited original album has finally emerged via the highly-distinguished Perlon label in Germany. Setting a mesmerizingly-flickering dub-instilled deep minimal at its core, the album proceeds as the intensely sharpened beats gradually and gracefully takes on heat, making you feel even some sort of elegance. Opened with “Munique Uncertain” where looping, mystic voice samples let you sink deeper uncontrollably, this incomparable masterpiece will get you totally beaten with his burning techno spirit quietly spreading its flames.