UR出身、デトロイト・テクノ界の重鎮であり、近年のベルリン勢にも敬愛されながらいまも抜群の現役感をもって精力的に活動を続けるロバート・フッド。ミニマル・テクノを主軸にした多岐に渡る創作のなかでも、ディスコ~ハウス・サイドの顔を見せる際の名義がフロアプランであります。前作『Paradise』(2013年)以来となるこのセカンド・アルバムでは、彼の神髄でもあるハイピッチなミニマリズムを快楽的なディスコ・サウンドに持ち込んで、お得意のファンキー・グルーヴを存分に披露。サンプル・ループとベースラインのシンプルな構造でジワジワとズレ感を表出させながら絶品のドス黒表現を極めた先行シングル“Music”や、ブレインストームのダンス・クラシック“Lovin' Is Really My Game”を大胆に用いた“Tell You No Lie”といったトラックが並び、もういっそ頭空っぽにして踊らにゃ損のお祭りキラーが怒濤のテンコ盛りなのです。血は争えず(?)同じ道を歩む愛娘リリック・フッド(素敵な名前!)の参加も話題。
[English Translation]
Known as a founding member of Underground Resistance, the Detroit Techno legend also highly adored and respected by those at the scene in recent Berlin, Robert Hood has been keeping himself vigorously busy with such a notable presence even today. Among his hugely versatile minimal techno-anchored creations, Floorplan is the moniker that facilitates his disco/house outlet. This second album, marking the first release since the previous/debut album “Paradise”(2013) under the alias, brings his signature high-pitch minimalism into a blissful disco-sound that wholly exhibits his trademark funky groove.
Such as the pre-released single, “Music”, which is structured simply with looped samples and a bassline that gradually exposes a certain sense of off-ness while superbly and extremely attaining the ultimate of dark blackness or “Tell You No Lie” where samples of Brainstorm's dance classic "Lovin' Is Really My Game" are boldly adopted, the full-length album represents an outrageous stack of festive killer tunes perfect for your nothing-matters-just-dance moment. With his beloved daughter on the same path in a like-father-like-daughter (?) manner, Lyric Hood’s (what a cool name!) appearance as co-producer is drawing keen attention as well.