2010年に復活を果たした日本を代表するリズム隊の再始動後初のアルバムは、レゲエ史に燦然と輝く名トラックのカヴァー集。こだま和文のホーンがうねる“DRUM SONG”やアール・チナ・スミス参加の妖しい“TEMPO”など、ヴィンテージ感漂う演奏に、盟友GOTH-TRADの鋭利で深々としたミックスが光る重厚なサウンドは、聴く者を昂揚と陶酔へと煽動する。全曲インストの真っ向勝負で挑んだ力作です。
[English Translation]
Since the reunion of the original members in 2010, this is the first album release from DRY & HEAVY, one of the leading reggae rhythm units of Japan, and it comes in the form as a cover collection of classic tracks that gloriously goes down in the history of Reggae. Such as in tracks "DRUM SONG" with the deep-surging sounds of the horn played by trumpeter Kazufumi Kodama, or the dubious sounding "TEMPO" that welcomed the participation of Jamaican guitarist Earl "Chinna" Smith, the heavy-hitting sounds that perfectly blends the vintage-class performances with the sharp but yet deep mixes by old ally, GOTH-TRAD, the Japanese producer famous in the electronic music field incites the listeners to a state of exaltation and euphoria. A tour de force equipped with an unfearing 100% instrumental lineup ready to play for keeps.