☆Taku Takahashiが主宰するTCYからのリリース曲が注目を集めた、ヴォーカリスト/プロデューサーの河原健介によるプロジェクト、OLFA ASTRA。ドラムンベースやダブステップをベースにしたトラックに、爽やかながらどこか切なさをも感じさせる歌声とメロディーで、独自の世界を築き上げた初音源集がこちら。フロアで聴く楽しみはもちろんだけれど、夏の夜のドライヴにもぴったりの予感!

[English Translation]
OLFA ASTRA is the solo project of Kensuke Kawahara, Japanese vocalist/producer whose release from TCY-Records led by ☆Taku Takahashi (Japanese DJ and record producer) drew a lot of attention. Here's his first album that has the one-of-a-kind original world formed with a refreshing but somehow melancholic singing voice and melodies on backing tracks based on drum 'n' bass or dubstep. Not only enjoyable on the dance floor but also a perfect choice for a summer night drive!