〈HEN 愛(偏愛)〉シリーズの第2弾。〈食〉がテーマの前作に続き、今度は円谷プロの全面協力で〈ウルトラ怪獣〉を取り上げちゃうのだから、〈なんでも曲にできるじゃん〉と思いそうなものだが、そこに愛がなければこんな芸当はできない。怪獣たちの鳴き声をたっぷり使いつつ、サウンドは総攻撃的なゴリゴリのギターとシンセが乱舞。ストーリーや習性も絶妙に盛り込まれてます。なんのこっちゃな人は、特設サイトへLET'S GO!

[English Translation]
POLYSICS  “HEN AI LET'S GO!2 -Ultra Kaiju So Shingeki

This album is the second of the [HEN AI (meaning Partiality)] series.  The theme of the previous release was ‘food’, but this follow-up is based on ‘Ultra Kaiju’ (from the Ultra Series featuring superhero,  Ultraman) with the full cooperation from Tsuburaya Productions.  This might make one think, “You can make anything into a song,” but this kind of feat cannot be accomplished without love.  Monster screams are used plentifully along with aggressive and offensive guitar and synth sounds that run amok.  Stories and traits are exquisitely worked into the album.  Those who are intrigued should “LET’S GO” to the special website.