2年ぶりの新作は、不穏なテクノ・ポップ“十月の月”や、美しいコーラスを交えた“今までお世話になりました”など、衝動的に音を叩き付けていた前作から曲調の幅を広げてきた。それでいて、サブカル臭に満ちた愛と妬みを、血管がブチ切れそうなほどに絶叫し続ける下川諒節も健在。なかでも、ギャルや業界人、果ては超自我とラップ・バトルを繰り広げる“下川 VS 世間”の歌詞世界はTVアニメ版〈エヴァ〉の最終回みたい!
[English Translation]
Za Ningen “Teleport Music”
Compared to the previous album released two years earlier on which they impulsively played the sounds as if they were banging them, the new work contains wider range of tunes; “Jugatsu no Tsuki (meaning October Moon)” is a restless techno-pop; “Ima made Osewa ni Narimashita (meaning Thank You For All You Have Done For Me)” encloses beautiful chorus. And yet, still, the usual vein-popping screaming by Shimokawa Rio (Vo, G) is alive and kicking, wringing out love and envy filled with subcultureness. Especially, the world of the lyrics to “Shimokawa VS Seken (meaning Shimokawa VS Public)” in which Shimokawa rap-battles against a young party girl, a show biz guy, and finally his own superego, is reminiscent of the final episode of animated television series “Neon Genesis Evangelion (a.k.a Eva)”!