電子雅楽バンドが放つ約5年ぶりの新作は、劇的な幕開けを飾る“永久凍音”を筆頭に、よりエモーショナルかつ官能的に深化した快作! 改造ハーモニカの倍音がダビーなリズムと揺らめき合う“神苑響樂(披露宴演奏仕様)”に対し、ラストに置かれた同曲の別アレンジ版〈深遠再生編曲〉は打楽器を多用した壮大なコズミック・テクノに仕上げるなど、その懐の深さには脱帽するばかり。ジャンルも時空も超越したトランス感は半端ない!


[English Translation]
Approximately 5 years since the previous, the superb latest from the electro Gagaku (Japanese ancient imperial court music and dances) band Harp On Mouth Sextet exposes their emotional and sensual evolution as the track "Eikyu To-on (meaning Eternally Frozen sound)” dramatically opens the album. In contrast to “Shinen Kyogaku ” that features overtone notes of their signature 'prepared (modified in their tuning or sound-producing characteristics)' harmonica flickering with dubby rhythms, sitting in the end portraying the magnificent cosmic techno adopting lots of percussions is a track of the same tune but in a different arrangement -the - and their extended potential is just utterly amazing. Beyond genre, time and space, this incredible trance will get you all carried away completely!

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