無邪気な遊び心のあった初期が懐かしくなるほど、この数年で逞しく成長した3人。世界同時リリースとなったこの2作目では、12分超のプログレ・メタル組曲や、メタリカ風かと思いきやYUIMETALとMOAMETALが可愛らしく罵ってくれるベビメタ流ブラック・メタル“Sis. Anger”、SU-METALの崇高ささえ漂うシンフォニックなソロ曲など、過剰なまでにスケール感をアップした楽曲が畳み掛けられる。息つく暇なしの大作だ!

[English Translation]
Missed are the early days when these harmless and playful girls were just harmless and playful. The 3 members of BABYMETAL, the now-worldwide-known Japanese metal idol band, have spent the past few years building on their career, and the outcome; the hard (harder)-baked powerful trio you see filling stadiums today. “METAL RESISTANCE” is their 2nd studio album and was released simultaneously across the globe. The album contains an over-12-minutes long progressive-metal suite, a BABYMETAL-flavoured black-metal track “Sis. Anger” that on first listen sounds like a Metallican tune but turns out to be a piece of angelic cutie voices of YUIMETAL and MOAMETAL getting all abusive swearing away, and a symphonic solo song by SU-METAL in which even divinity is felt flowing throughout the track. Comprised of relentless straight-off-the-reel numbers scaled up to a beyond-expectation degree, “METAL RESISTANCE” is a non-stop masterpiece that will keep you breathless throughout.