結成10周年に届いた通算5作目には、近作のようなゲスト・ヴォーカリストはおらず、改めてバンドの幅と深さに焦点を当ててみせる。ポスト・ロックポスト・ハードコアを跨いだ演奏の切れ味は言わずもがな。そこにキューバン・ジャズの“habana”、Nujabesにも通じるメランコリックな“light”、ミニマルなシーケンスと並走する“to me”、〈星に願いを〉の変則的カヴァーなど、ユニークな試みが詰まっている。

[English Translation]

Marking the notable10th year since its formation, the 4-piece instrumental unit jizue has just dropped their 5th album. With no guest vocalist (unlike the past few works) this time, the band purely focuses on its musical base from all angles once again. Not to mention the trademark super-sharp performance with elements of post rock and post hardcore, the full-length album is fully packed with brilliantly unique experimental tracks such as a Cuban jazz “Habana”, Nujabes (greatly missed late jazzy hiphop beatmaker)-inspired melancholic “light”, along with minimal sequence “to me” and an irregular cover version of the Disney classic “When You Wish Upon a Star”.