佐藤清喜の多岐に渡る活動も目覚ましいなか、結成20年という節目を気にするでもなく、8年ぶりのフル・アルバムがようやく到着。壮麗なストリングスの躍る都会派ディスコの先行シングル“Tiny Spark”に顕著な週末感も、快いホーンをあしらったメロディアスな苦みも、端正な意匠になみなみと満たされている。中央フリーウェイからスタイリッシュな夜間飛行へ飛び出しても、温かみのしっかり残る聴き心地が素晴らしい傑作。


[English Translation]
While member Seiki Sato has been well-noted for his various extensive activities, the 2-piece female/male pop unit eventually unleashes the 1st full-length album in 8 years, making no big deal of the fact that it’s their 20th anniversary since its formation this year. The pre-released city disco single “Tiny Spark” specifically hinting weekend bliss in the magnificent strings as well as the pleasant horn-accentuated melodious bitterness are all filled to the brim with its exquisitely designed concept. Even jumping from “Chuo Freeway” (iconic J-pop song in mid-70’s -the era where the unit’s sound artistry is sometimes referred to) to the stylish “Yakanhiko (meaning Night Flight)”, this brilliant album will leave you with wonderfully solid warmness afterward.