お馴染みのOlive Oil、初タッグとなるKILLER-BONG制作の2曲以外は自身がビートを手掛けたフル作。モラトリアム的ないい意味の〈適当さ〉で飄々と音楽を発信してきた彼さえも、世の動きと無縁でいられなくなったことは近作にあきらか。社会や現実、進み続ける時間に飲み込まれんとしながら、迷いや悩みを抱えた複雑な表情は、また歳を重ねたひとつの形と言えようか。スウィートな音の裏に見えるそれが心に染みる一作。


[English Translation]
5lack  “Yumekarasame. (meaning After the Dream)

Rapper 5lack produces all of the tracks on this album except for one with DJ/beatmaker/remixer Olive Oil, whom he has collaborated with before, and a first time collaboration with rapper/DJ/beatmaker KILLER-BONG.  5lack seems almost aloof in the way that he sporadically puts out music. However, it is obvious from his recent work that he has realized that he cannot be alienated from the rest of the world. He expresses his problems in a complex manner while trying not to be swallowed up by society, reality, and the passing of time. Perhaps it is a reflection of his experiences over the years.  These elements that can be seen behind the sweet sound is what makes this release permeate the soul.