たしか4曲目に、いきなり大胆にリハーモナイズされた“Body & Soul”が演奏され、うーん、別にこの曲でなくてもいいのではというため息とともに、それにしても癖のある左手だなと感じつつ、曲は進行していき、最後はコルトレーンの“Giant Steps”をこれまた斬新な解釈、可能な限りのハーモニーのミニマイズを行い、スモールステップにまでおとしめる面白いアレンジ、にあっけにとられながら、本編終了!
うん、いいね。クラシックの教育を受けた感じ、まったくない久しぶりの叩き上げジャズピアニストを聴いたゾ! こりゃーいい。
text : 高見一樹

The opening day with Jazz Pianist/theorist/composer, Vijay Iyer was SOLO PIANO, followed by 2 nights with his Trio.
I was looking forward to experiencing how his unique rhythmic ideas would be displayed by one piano.
Once he started playing the piano, I found myself taken into his music world. But music required me for a few minutes to have a clear picture of his performance. He has very distinguished left hand with jazzy lines played against the rhythm created by that left hand.
The style reminded me of Andrew Hill's quartet, with 2 bassists. and actually it was Hill’s song of that age. Next song was Herbie Nichols's song, which is seldom to be played in Japan. Those two songs were enough to capture who is Vijay Iyer.
The third song with exotic modal tone rows, and additive rhythm, was beautiful composition by him, which shares same atmosphere of Philippe Glass's string quartet #.5
I remember this song was followed by "Body & Soul" mutated by his radical harmonic interpretation. His idea of this song was gone too far, so people might ask him why this song!? But truth is, I loved his idea. He picked up another standard from famous John Coltrane's compositions,"Giant Steps".
text : Kazuki Takami