エビ中やCherry Brownとの絡みでも知られる神出鬼没なボカロPの2作目。サウンドの引き出しの多さに定評がある彼らしく、豪快なベース・ドロップを響かせる十八番のドラムンベースからアイドル風のユーロ歌謡まで、情報過多なダンス・ポップがてんこもり状態だ。〈キマシ〉の連呼がどうかしてる“キマシタワー”で電波を撒き散らしつつ、かつてなくメランコリックな“うさぎのかぞえかた”でホロッと落とす展開もお見事。


[English Translation]
Satsuki ga Tenkomori feat. Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin/Len & Gumi’s Shinpen Seiri (meaning Putting My Affairs in Order)
Well known for his striking collaborations with Japanese girl idol group Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku and rising hip-hop star Cherry Brown,  charmingly elusive Vocaloid P (P usually stands for Producer) Satsuki ga Tenkomori’s 2nd release.  Ranging from his specialty deep-blasting, dynamic bass drop drum ‘n’ bass to an idol-ish Euro pop, this enchantingly overloaded dance pop album affirms his reputation as a multi-layered sound creator.  As the following quite contrastive tracks for example, his tactful song arrangement is just amazing; With overwhelming repetitions of ‘Kimashi’, an internet-slang-titled “Kimashitawa (meaning It’s here / It’s coming)” literally scatters electro waves here and there while seemingly first ever softly melancholic “Usagi no Kazoekata (meaning Counting Rabbits)” makes you feel all warm-and-fuzzy.