とにかくやりたいことがたくさんあって仕方がないのだろう、この特異なインスト・バンドは。ロック色の強い曲が増えたからといって、〈ツアーやフェスを経験して、ライヴ感を増した作品〉と安易に結び付けてはいけない。彼らはメロディーへの信頼だけを共通項に、あとはパンクもディスコもレゲエも何でもアリ。一曲のなかでSAKEROCKにもmudy on the 昨晩にもなれる、いい意味での節操のなさが最大の魅力だ。

[English Translation]
It seems that this unique instrumental band has tons of things they want to try. Though the number of rock-ish tracks have been increased, you shouldn’t simply jump into conclusion that “the album has been enhanced of its live-feel, just because they have experienced touring and performing at music festivals.” Positioning the reliability of melodies as the common denominator, their music varies vastly from punk, disco, reggae, to actually anything. Even within a track, they can change from SAKEROCK (an established instrumental band that was active 2000-2015 led by Gen Hoshino) to mudy on the sakuban (a hard-to-categorize vocal-less instrumental  band). The most attractive part of this band is their inconstancy in a good way.