the HIATUSの細美武士による新バンドが、ファーストEPに続いてフル・アルバムを完成。今回も胸をすくメロディーの良さが際立つ楽曲ばかりで、明るさと切なさが真っ直ぐ伝わる感情表現が、深みを持って胸に響き渡る。デビュー曲“My Instant Song”は、本作に入ると重厚な響きを放つ点にも驚かされた。日本語曲やスロウ・ナンバーも、流行に迎合しない〈いい歌〉が揃っている。
[English Translation]
The new band formed by Takeshi Hosomi from the alternative band ‘the HIATUS’, has completed a full album following their first EP. Each track features breathtakingly beautiful melodies, and the emotional expressions which directly convey both buoyance and bittersweetness cuts deeply, spreading right across your heart. The debut song “My Instant Song” comes out with a delightful surprise in the way it swings to a number with a rich and heavy feel to it, once lined up in this album. Including songs in Japanese and slow numbers, it contains ‘quality tracks’ which don’t pander to trends.