前作のインスト路線から一転、yumi(lyrical school)ら若手の女性陣を迎えた、Kenichiro Nishiharaによるプロジェクトの2作目。ボンジュール鈴木が参加した“21時のクラゲと月”をはじめ、淡い感情が滲み出た日本語詞とファンタジックなエレクトロニカが溶け合った音世界は、白昼夢のような心地良さをもたらす。DAOKOの物憂げなラップにグッと掴まれる“夕暮れパラレリズム”のリメイク版は、センティメンタルな青春的名曲!
[English Translation]
Featuring a bunch of brilliant young female artists, including yumi (lyrical school) this time, acclaimed composer/arranger/producer Kenichiro Nishihara’s solo project, ESNO’s 2nd album explores a totally different path from the previous, instrumental-focused 1st release. As affirmed by the tune with home studio mademoiselle Bonjour Suzuki, “21-Ji no kurage to tsuki (meaning jellyfish and moon at 9pm)”, slightly emotion-inspired Japanese lyrics and fantasy-ish electronica are melted together in his soundworld that brings day-dreamy comfort. The re-recorded version of past single “Yugure (meaning Dusk) Pallarelism” is a sentimental and youthful piece of gem, bound to grasp the hearts of the listener with the phenomenal girl rapper DAOKO’s laid-back whispering vocals!
Kenichiro NishiharaによるESNO、新作はボンジュール鈴木やDAOKOら迎え淡い感情滲む日本語詞と夢幻的なエレクトロニカ溶け合う音世界