休眠中のBLAST HEADを置いて、ここ数年はDJとしてバリバリ活躍するHIKARUが、SOUL SOURCE PRODUCTIONの箭内健一とのコラボで初作を完成! 先行7インチでも話題を呼んだバレアリックな4つ打ち路線を軸に、LUVRAWを迎えたゆる~いロボティック・ディスコや、土生“TICO”剛のスティールパンが極楽気分を高める常夏ライト・フュージョンなど、極上なインストがズラリ。この〈イージーリスニング〉は新しい!
[English Translation]
Put his base=currently dormant BLAST HEAD aside, HIKARU who has been vigorously active over several years as a solo DJ, has been working from time to time with renowned producer, Kenichi Yanai of SOUL SOURCE PRODUCTION, and this time, the mighty two have finally completed the 1st full-length album together! As with the pre-released collaborative 7 inch singles that attracted considerable attention, this Balearic four-on-the-floor beats-driven piece offers extremely fabulous instrumental tunes such as the dearly laid-back robotic disco tune featuring talkbox master LUVRAW or Takeshi “TICO” Toki’s steel pan-effected, everlasting summer-ish pleasant light fusion track etc.. This “EASY LISTENING?” is absolutely so brand new!
BLAST HEADのHIKARUと箭内健一がタッグ、LUVRAWのロボティック・ディスコなど揃えたバレアリックで新しい〈イージーリスニング〉作品