KAKUBARHYTHMより放たれた鬼才の2作目。山田参助が懐古感たっぷりに歌い上げる“Hong Kong Night View”、LUVRAWを迎えたメロウな胸キュン・ソングなど、異国情緒に富んだユルく雑多な音世界には身も心も溶けるほど。荒内佑cero)、beipanaDorian思い出野郎Aチームのメンバーらも参加した、新たなシーンを提示するエキゾティック・ミュージックの傑作! モダンなグルーヴに胸踊らされる表題曲もスバラシイ!


[English Translation]
VIDEOTAPEMUSIC  "Sekai Kakkoku no Yoru (Nights of the World) "

The second album by the exceptional artist released from the KAKUBARHYTHM label. Including "Hong Kong Night View" sung nostalgically by Sansuke Yamada (Japanese comic artist, illustrator and musician) as well as the mellow, heart-pounding song featuring LUVRAW (Japanese beatmaker and musician), his loose and motley sound world brimming with exotic appeal causes you to melt, both physically and mentally. Featuring Yu Arauchi (of Japanese rock band cero), beipana (Japanese beatmaker and steel guitar player), Dorian (Japanese musician, beatmaker and remixer), and members of Omoide Yaro A Team (Japanese soul band), this exotic music masterpiece presents a new scene! Also awesome is the title track that makes you excited with its modern groove!