前作『Dead Montano』より岩見継吾光永渉という強力なリズム・セクションが参加している北里彰久のソロ・ユニット。2年ぶりのアルバムとなる本作では、タイトなバンド・アンサンブルに磨きをかけている。とりわけ先行シングルの“Honeymoon”をはじめ、ジャズやR&B、ラテンなどを吸収した芯の太いグルーヴが推進力になっていて、5lackのラップをフィーチャーした新境地とも言えるナンバー“Fugue State”もすんなり全体に馴染んでいる。さらにヘヴィーなギター・ノイズが炸裂する曲や、北里のシンガー・ソングライターとしての魅力を発揮した弾き語りの曲もあったりと切り口はさまざまだが、アルバムを通じて流れる不穏なムード、オルタナティヴな実験精神に引き込まれていく。

[English Translation]
Alfred Beach Sandal is the solo project of Akihisa Kitazato, of which the powerful rhythm section of Keigo Iwami and Wataru Mitsunaga has been joining since the last album "Dead Montano." His new album for the first time in 2 years features a well-honed, tight band ensemble. Particularly, including the lead single "Honeymoon," thick grooves absorbing the flavors of jazz, R&B and Latin music serve as the driving force of the album. The track "Fugue State" featuring rap by 5lack and that can be regarded whole new frontier too, smoothly blends harmoniously into the whole. The album includes many more songs that display the vast range of his musicality, such as the one with blasting heavy guitar noise as well as the guitar-accompanied song that showcases his charms as a singer-songwriter. You'll be dragged into the unsettling mood flowing throughout the album, into his experimental spirit in alternative rock.