“Crazy Party Night~ぱんぷきんの逆襲~”をリリースしたばかりのタイミングで、意外にも初となるMV集がリリースです。鮮烈なデビューを飾った2011年の“PONPONPON”から最新シングルまで、アトラクション化を極めながらどんどんカラフルに進化していくクリエイティヴと、磨かれていくパフォーマンスの成長が時代を追って楽しめます。未公開シーンなどのボーナス映像も収録!

[English Translation]
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu "KPP MV01"

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is releasing her first, to our surprise, music video collection fresh off releasing the last single “Crazy Party Night ~Pumpkin no Gyakushu~ (meaning Crazy Party Night ~Pumpkins Strike Back~)”. It starts from “PONPONPON,” the startling debut song in 2011 followed by many others up to her latest single, demonstrating her colorfully evolved creativity while taking on more and more the taste of an amusument attraction. Her performances are seen getting polished more and more over the years. Bonus footages such as never-before-seen scenes are also included!