ダンスには一家言ある男の、ソロ・デビューより2年ぶりのミニ作。ようやくEDMも世間一般に浸透したかな?というタイミングに、このタイトルをブチ上げる姿勢が実に批評的。表題曲や“slow motion”こそDOPING PANDA以上にアッパーでダンサブルだが、全体としてはパーソナルな色合いのシンガー・ソングライター作品とも言えそう。端々で聴こえるドリーミーな音色と、“in my dreams”終盤の怒涛のジャムが耳に残る。

[English Translation]
Yutaka Furukawa  "I don't wanna dance"

A man with distinctive views about dance music is releasing a new mini album for the first time since he made his debut as a solo artist two years ago, after disbanding his former band DOPING PANDA, a famous rock band. In days when EDM has finally gained popularity in Japan, his attitude to boldly name the title of this album like this is ever so critical. The title song and “slow motion” have even stronger upper and danceable tones than in DOPING PANDA’s music, but overall, his personal aspect as a singer-songwriter is found in the whole piece. Dreamy tones heard in places and the jam session at the end of “in my dreams” would surge upon your ears.