(((さらうんど)))やJINTANA & EMERALDSの一員としても活動するTraks BoysのCrystal改めXTALのキャリア初となるソロ作。海外レーベルからリリース後、DJ EMMAがヘヴィー・プレイ(〈Ultra Japan〉でも!)することで注目を集めたピアノ・ハウス“Break The Dawn”をはじめ、地道に発表してきた既発の楽曲群に加え、本作ではクラップとピアノがジャジーな雰囲気を醸す“Unfamiliar Memories”やラストを飾る壮大な美麗エレクトロニカ“Skygazer”など、近年の多様な仕事ぶりにおける研鑽の賜物ともいうべき楽曲がひしめく。艶やかなメロディーとそれを支える堅実なトラックメイクが高い次元で結実しており、日本人アーティストということを抜きにワールドワイドな視点で見ても実に稀な傑作だ。
[English Translation]
Having changed the spelling of his artist name from Crystal, XTAL of Japanese trance/house group Traks Boys, and who is also a member of bands (((Surround))) and JINTANA & EMERALDS, has released the first solo album of his career. In addition to the songs he had steadily released in the past including "Break The Dawn," a piano-house track released on an overseas label that received a lot of attention after being repeatedly played by DJ EMMA (who also played the track at Ultra Japan -Japan's first-ever large-scale urban dance music festival!), this album is packed with tracks that are the fruit of his musical pursuit in various fields, such as "Unfamiliar Memories" that creates a jazzy atmosphere with claps and piano, or the epic electronica "Skygazer" that beautifully closes the album. Glamorous melodies and reliable trackmaking are realized at a high level, making the album a really rare jewel even seen from a worldwide point of view, irrespective of him being a Japanese artist.
Crystal改めXTALの初ソロ作は、DJ EMMAヘヴィー・プレイのピアノ・ハウス含む艶やかなメロディーと堅実なトラックメイクが高い次元で結実した傑作