SANABAGUN.高岩遼が率いる、路上ライヴを重ねてきた5人組バンドのファースト・アルバム。ブルースやジャズのマナーを踏まえつつ、バイクのスロットル音に始まってギター・リフとシャウトで加速する“ROYAL HOST ROCK III”など、東京ロッカーズのようにトッポさ全開なのが痛快極まりない。〈俺らについてこい!〉と言わんばかりの強気さ、漢気、色気は時代の閉塞感に風穴を開ける。


[English Translation]
Led-by Ryo Takaiwa (vocalist of jazz/hip hop unit SANABAGUN.), self-proclaimed 'NEW SAMURAI ROCK'N'ROLL' 5-piece band has been known for its numerous street performances and finally, has dropped its first album. As demonstrated in the authentic blues/jazz-based “ROYAL HOST ROCK III” with the impressive motorcycle throttle opening followed by the accelerating guitar riff and shouts, these seven tracks are utterly uplifting, throwing down its charming, late70’s Tokyo Rockers-like cheekiness to the fullest. The band’s ‘Come, Follow us!’-ish attitude of strongness, the real manly spirit and sexiness is enough to blast a hole in the cooped-up feeling of the current times.