DOWN NORTH CAMPをはじめMONJUSick Teamなどのユニットでも活躍するISSUGIの4作目は、盟友のDJ SCRATCH NICEとの共作によるミックスCD仕立ての一枚。その彼やGRADIS NICE16FLIPKID FRESINOらが手掛けたトラックに、ISSUGIのスムースかつタイトなラップが乗り、タフで中毒性の高い音世界を展開。PUNPEEのミックス&マスタリングによる、抜けのいい音像も心地良い。

[English Translation]
Known for his various group acts such as DOWN NORTH CAMP/MONJU/Sick Team, the well-esteemed rapper ISSUGI has delivered his 4th full-length release, this time teaming up with NY-based good friend DJ SCRATCH NICE. Neatly putting ISSUGI’s smooth and tight rap on the tracks by the co-producer as well as robust others like GRADIS NICE (DJ/producer/beatboxer), 16FLIP (DJ/beatmaker), KID FRESINO (rapper/beatmaker /DJ), the mix CD-type album duly generates a tough and highly addictive music world. Thanks to the mixing and mastering ace PUNPEE (MC/beatmaker/DJ/singer), clearly defined sound images make us feel so good.