〈世の中の痛み〉が根幹にあるだけに、おぞましい現実を視覚的に突き付ける場面も多い5人。本作は、徹頭徹尾エログロな“Agitated Screams Of Maggots”をはじめ、〈原爆〉〈児童虐待〉などをテーマとするあまりにも生々しい映像によって規制された4曲のMVと、腐敗を象徴するライヴ・スクリーンを収めた一枚だ。〈表現の自由〉とのせめぎ合いが伝わるメンバーのインタヴューも収録。
[English Translation]
DIR EN GREY, the rock band, often confronts us with grim realities visually because what lies at the core of their music is the ‘pain in this world’. This DVD/Blu-ray starts from “Agitated Screams Of Maggots,” a tune full of erotic and grotesque tastes throughout, followed by three more music videos that were too vivid and realistic to the extent of causing broadcasting regulations with subjects such as the ‘atomic bomb’ or ‘child abuse’ being the themes. It also comes with two more videos that symbolize corruption, and were screened as background videos of their performances. Plus, their interview in which the members talk about the conflict between freedom of expression and regulations is also included.
DIR EN GREY、重いテーマを生々しく表現し規制された4曲のMVに加えメンバーのインタヴューも収録した映像作品