青鼻のH ZETT M率いるやんちゃピアノ・トリオの約2年ぶりとなる2作目。〈モントルー・ジャズ・フェス〉でも賞賛されたアクロバティックな音の跳躍ぶりはより磨きがかかり、アレンジもオーソドックスなパターンに陥らないよう工夫されて新鮮な驚きをもたらしてくれる。某保険会社のCM曲“あしたのワルツ”のような忘れがたいメロディーもあるし、3者の熱い絡み合いを生々しく捕えた録音も最高で、星5つを献上したい。

[English Translation]
The mischievous piano trio led by the blue-nosed front man H ZETT M (, his nose is literally painted blue,) has released their second album in about two years after the last. The acrobatic leaps in their sounds that enjoyed acclaim at the Montreux Jazz Festival are now even more refined, and the unique arrangements given twists to avoid their songs falling into an orthodox pattern amaze us in an unconventional way. With unforgettable melodies like “Ashitano Waltz (meaning Waltz for Tomorrow),” the one used in a commercial for a Japanese insurance company, as well as the marvelous recordings that vividly captures the heated session of the three, I’d like to give this album five stars.