80sの日本のポジティヴ・パンク史を築いたもののほどなく解散、2009年に完全復活を遂げたバンドの29年ぶりとなるフル作。19世紀のヨーロッパを想起させる日本語詞(一部英詞/仏詞)を絶妙なメロディーで歌い上げるヴォーカルと、曲によりキリング・ジョークを思わせる硬質かつ艶やかなサウンドが、映画や演劇のような展開を見せる耽美な世界観は圧巻! 初期4ADポスト・パンクバウハウス好きは心酔確実だ。

[English Translation]
The band who shaped the history of Japanese positive punk in the 80s, but disbanded shortly after, came back to the scene in full force in 2009 and has recently released the first full-length album in 29 years. With the vocals singing Japanese lyrics (partly in English and French) that evoke images of 19th-century Europe along exquisite melodies, and the hard and glamorous sounds reminiscent of Killing Joke in some of the tracks, MADAME EDWARDA’s aesthetic world view plays out like a movie or play. It is simply stunning. If you are a fan of the-early-days-of-4AD-ish post punk or Bauhaus, you’ll definitely be intoxicated with it.

MADAME EDWARDAの2011年12月のライヴの模様