〈Ozzfest Japan〉に2回連続で出場し、勢いに乗る3人組のニュー・アルバムは、持ち前のダークな音像を突き詰め、全体的なヘヴィーさをさらに極めた攻めの仕上がり。これが大正解。ともすれば聴き手を限定しそうだが、彼らの場合は外に開かれたポップ性がより増幅されるから不思議だ。和嶋慎治鈴木研一が作った楽曲が交互に並ぶ流れも抜群。時代を超越したメタル愛が炸裂するアレンジやセンスは天下一品だ。

[English Translation]
Ningen Isu  "Kaidan - Soshite Shi to Eros (Ghost Stories: Death and Eroticism)"

Steadily gaining momentum with acts like its 2 times-in-a-row performances at the legendary Ozzfest Japan, one of Japan’s longest running metal bands&3-piece unit Ningen Isu has released its latest. Exploring the signature dark sound image toward the extreme, the new album is aggressively furnished with a further extended heaviness all over. And that worked just so right. This kind of stuff is likely to specify the type of listeners but contrary to the speculation, in their case, it is utterly mystic that their sounds actually reinforce its open-minded popness. Nicely amusing is the impressively effective tracklist where songs by the bandmates Shinji Wajima (guitar) and Kenichi Suzuki (bass) appear alternately. Their beyond-the-era, explosive love for metal-inspired arrangements and musical sense is superb with no comparison at all.