90年代に国境を越えたテクノ偉人の一人にして、SMAPから橋幸夫まで多岐に渡る制作をマイペースに手掛けながら、近年は温泉と音楽の融合に主軸を置いていたYS博士が、なんと16年ぶりに本人名義のアルバムで帰還! 瞑想的なリゾートへ誘う人懐っこい湯けむりアンビエンスが全編を包み、緩急のある心地良いダンス・トラックに昂揚させられる。“onsen girls”には楽曲提供の縁もあるChelipがアトモスフェリックな歌声で参加!
[English Translation]
Yoshihiro Sawasaki "SAWASAKI IS BACK!"
Known as one of the greatest techno masters striding the borders back in the 90s, ‘Doctor YS’ ―who lately has been predominantly busy dipping himself in businesses of fusing onsens (eng. hot springs) and music― is back after 16 years with a new original own-name album. Over the past years, he has been working for productions at the pace he pleases, varying from such for national idol group SMAP to longtime veteran singer/actor, Yukio Hashi, and in this latest production, he lays down an affable hot spring-steamy ambience that embraces the whole piece, inviting the listener to a meditative resort, heightening spirits with slick dance tracks of pitches travelling between high and low. Idol duo Chelip appears on the track “onsen girls” with their atmospheric vocals, thanks to the connection coming from Sawasaki’s previous song-writing for the duo.