grooveman Spotにクニモンド瀧口、Dorianら旧知の面々に加え、NONA REEVESの奥田健介も新たに迎えたミニ・アルバム。スパークルするリフが眩しい“夏光線、キラッ。”など、前半には今夏に配信した3曲を収録。後半はユーミン“A Happy New Year”のしっとりカヴァーやKashifとのデュエット“羽田まで”など冬仕様の新録4曲を揃えている。エレクトロニックでリゾート・ポップな近年の路線を踏襲&更新した間違いない一枚。
[English Translation]
Hitomitoi - "Pacific High / Aleutian Low"
Hitomitomi welcomed her old friends, grooveman Spot, cunimondo takiguchi, Dorian along with a new addition to her gang, Kensuke Okuda from NONA REEVES for her new mini-album. First half of the album includes three summer tunes released in 2014 including a dazzling sparking riff tune "Natsu Kosen, Kira. (meaning Summer Ray of Light, Sparkle.)" The second half are comprised of four winter songs including a mellow cover of Yumi Matsutoya, the veteran singer song-writer's "A Happy New Year" and a duet song with Kashif, "Haneda Made (meaning To Haneda)". Hitomitomi has succeeded and upgraded her approach in electronic and resort-pop style on this perfect mini-album.