氷河期の後に訪れたのは、80~90年代のSF映画をインスピレーション源にした架空の未来。ゴッドスピード・ユー! ブラック・エンペラーのメンバーが所有するスタジオに赴き、現地のミュージシャンと共に制作された本作で、持ち味のスケール感はさらなる広がりを見せている。管弦楽器が優美に鳴らされる一方、作風自体は前作以上にポップであり、アカデミックだが決して閉じてはいない、理想的な仕上がりとなった。

[English Translation]

After the ‘Ice Age’ (which is the title of their first full-length album) comes an imaginary future that was inspired by sci-fi movies from the 80s and 90s. ROTH BART BARON went all the way to a studio in Montreal, Canada, owned by a member of Godspeed You! Black Emperor, and recorded ATOM in collaboration with some local musicians. In this album, the scale of their music they are known for has grown even broader. While the sound of orchestra plays elegantly, the music style of the album itself is even more pop-laden than their previous work. It feels academic but definitely not closed off; this is just perfect.