

Sugar's Campaignでのメジャー・デビューに、矢野顕子三浦大知との印象的なアレンジ仕事など、近年の活躍ぶりには目を見張るものがあったSeihoだが、〈テン年代のアンセム〉と評された“I Feel Rave”を擁する鮮烈な『ABSTRAKTSEX』以来3年ぶりとなるソロでのサード・アルバムはみずから立ち上げたDay Tripperからではなく、マシューデヴィッド主宰レーベルからのワールドワイド・デビュー作に。当初から音楽性におけるLAビートとの親和性は高いと言われており、ようやく世界が彼の才能に気付いたか?といったところで、先行曲“Peach And Pomegranate”を早速Pitchforkが絶賛しており、滑り出しは上々の様子。ジャケや“Edible Chrysanthemum”における和楽器のサンプルなど、半ば作為的に〈和〉の意匠を散りばめるあたりも心憎い。ビートの配置、美意識の貫かれたシンセ・ワーク、耽美な世界観など、いっそう磨きのかかったオリジナリティーは驚きを持ってより広い世界で受け入れられるだろう。


[English Translation]
Making a major debut on city-pop duo Sugar's Campaign and contributing impressive arrangement works for Japanese singer Akiko Yano and dancer-cum-singer Daichi Miura, Seiho has demonstrated his remarkable ability in recent years. Three years after the stellar ABSTRAKTSEX, which featured the '00s anthem "I Feel Rave," he forgoes his own Day Tripper label, turning to Matthew David's imprint to make an international debut. Given that Seiho's music has been said to be highly compatible with LA beat since his early days, it seems like the world has finally woken up to his talent; Pitchfork critically acclaims "Peach And Pomegranate," a lead single from the album, getting him a good beginning of the world stage. Somehow intentionally "Japanese" slants, such as the album's cover art and the Japanese instrument samples of "Edible Chrysanthemum," are cleverly put in places. With beat programming, synth arrangements with his consistent musical aesthetic and a sublime atmosphere, this sophisticated originality is a welcome surprise to a wider audience.